Senior VIP Spokesmodels
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What are you looking for in a VIP?
Answer: My VIPs are typically outgoing, confident, and vibrant juniors (graduating in May of 2022) who want to make sure that senior portraits (and senior year in general) is really done up right. They love to take pictures with friends and the idea of doing photo shoots is exciting to them even if they don't have any modeling experience. They really want to work with a professional photographer, and specifically work with Larissa. My VIPs represent my business so they are the high school students who are involved and making a positive difference in their communities. They are kind to everyone, try their best all the time, and while they are not perfect, they are trying to be the best versions of themselves that they can. My VIPs are often a little outside the box, a little edgy, a little different, and in their own way totally beautiful. They often work hard in school but also have a passion or two (or 5 or 6...) that they pursue outside of school as well. My VIPs come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds but they are all united by the desire to do good, be good, and see the good in others.
Question: How is a VIP spokesmodel different than a regular senior?
Answer: My VIPs get all the perks of working with me but get lots of added bonuses. One of these is that my VIPs get to do seasonal group sessions with me which provides a ton if images for them to use for social media. So, not only will my VIPs get an individual senior session with me, but up to 4 other group sessions as well. I also want my VIPs to share their images and tag Larissa Elizabeth Photography.
Question: What are the perks of being a VIP spokesmodel?
Answer: The group sessions and images as mentioned above are one of the perks but getting to be a part of this team and getting to know people from all over Northern Colorado is a pretty fun part of the VIP team. Not only do you get to create these fun memories and ensure that senior portraits are more than just one quick session, my VIPs get to sign up early and snag the best dates for their individual senior session. They also can choose to participate in internship opportunities as well as make payments towards their collections. It helps make a hefty investment easier to manage. Being a VIP is definitely the way to go!
Question: I am pretty dang busy. What is the time commitment?
Answer: There is no required time commitment for the VIP team. Any of our get-togethers are totally optional but obviously a really fun thing to be a part of. We will plan a group session 1 time each season, so four total, as well as other events. In the past, my seniors with athletic and other commitments such as competitive dance or cheer have been able to make it worth their while even if they missed a shoot or hangout.
Question: How much does it cost to participate?
Answer: There is a team participation fee of $375 which includes professional hair and makeup for the individual senior session. This fee is a non-refundable fee in order to cover the costs of the team. It must be paid in order to secure your spot on the team. This price does NOT include any printable products or images but does include websized, watermarked images from our sessions. It is also required that my VIPs book their individual senior session with me. Print and product collections start at $600. I offer beautiful matte prints, custom albums, image boxes for prints and senior year memories, and gorgeous wall art options.
Question: How many people are on the team?
Answer: The number of VIPs varies year by year. Typically the number is between 5-10 but could be higher depending on interest. The best part is that no matter how many are on the team, we are able to create new friendships, make a ton of memories, and just have a blast together.
Question: Is the team only girls?
Answer: In the past, I have had teams that include both guys and girls as well as years where the team was all girls. There are some group sessions that are perfect for one or the other and depending on interest, the Class of 2022 could be either mixed or all girls.
Question: I like to take pictures with lots of other photographers. Will that impact my participation as a VIP spokesmodel?
Answer: I know how fun it can be to model for many artists but my VIPs are required to sign an agreement that states they will only represent Larissa Elizabeth Photography for the 2021 calendar year. There are some gray areas including sports photographers who may photograph your sports team or photographs you take with your family on vacation but I always encourage my VIPs to ask prior to accepting a modeling opportunity. If you are not wanting to work with only one photographer exclusively, than the VIP team may not be the best fit. If you have more specific questions about your situation, I would encourage you to reach out and ask.
Question: I am an aspiring photographer myself and like to take other senior's pictures. Can I still do that and be a VIP?
Answer: Creating photographs for friends is an amazing opportunity but one that may not mix well with being a VIP. If you are hoping to build your own photography business during your junior and senior years, then it may be confusing for some people whether you are promoting me or your own business. My VIPs are considered representatives of my business and so its important that they are not promoting anyone else. If you are passionate about your own photography business and growing it now then I encourage you to pass on the opportunity to be a VIP and to focus on achieving your dreams!
Question: When is the deadline for signing up for the team?
Answer: The deadline for my VIP team is a moving target. Once I have filled the team, then I will stop accepting new sign ups. I encourage you to apply early if you are interested to make sure that you get a spot before they are filled.
Question: I have a more specific question. How can I contact you to ask it?
Answer: Please feel free to send me an email ( with your question and I will be sure to answer it!
Question: Ok, this all sounds amazing. I want in! Now what??
Answer: So pumped that you are interested! Next step is to fill out the form below and I will send you an application and some more information. You will want to make sure to talk this all over with your parents and makes sure they are on board. If you are selected, you and a parent will need to attend a virtual parent meeting. At that meeting, we will go over all the details, check out some of my amazing products, answer any questions, and just get to know one another. If everyone is all in, then we will sign an agreement and take care of the team fee. After that, you are officially on the team! So chat with your parents and make sure they are on board and then fill out the form below!